Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Peace out, Blogger

So, I checked the stats the other day and was shocked that some of the hits were coming from random ad websites?!?! Totally freaked me out so, peace out Blogger. I'm moving my blogging to another website. I'll post the new link on my facebook!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Bucket List!

Yesterday was so long and busy that by the time I got home all I wanted to do was shower and pass out. I got in 2 gym sessions yesterday! It felt so great to go twice. I went before work and late last night.


Yesterday after work, I got an infrared body wrap at a little local spa. I saw it on Groupon about a month ago and it sounded interesting so I bought 1 and after that, I ended up getting 2 more. It’s like being in a sauna but the heat is targeted to certain body parts. Afterwards, I feel great after getting all of those toxins out. Seriously, if you like sitting in the sauna at the gym, I suggest you should try this!

After that, I went to TJMaxx to look for a new pair of black flats and some capri workout pants. Jason and his sister, Kaitlyn, came and met me there. I decided to wait on the shoes but got the pants. When Jason and Kaitlyn went home, I headed back to the gym. Unfortunately, my brand new pants ended up having a poorly sewn seam so they need to be returned.

The thing that happened yesterday that I really want to share is making my Spring/Summer 2012 Bucket List. I only just started it so it’ll be constantly changing but I just wanted to introduce it. I started making bucket lists last summer for Jason and me so that we could accomplish things that we really wanted to do.

Here are some of the things that we got checked off of our 2011 Bucket Lists:

  • Skydiving

  • Fishing

  • Run a 5K

  • Going down to visit WCU & Clemson

  • Going to a Clemson home football game

  • Going to the Clemson v. UMD football game

  • Ice skating

  • Go to Vegas

  • Go to a Georgetown Basketball game

But now it’s time for the Spring/Summer 2012 list:

  • Go to the Cherry Blossom Festival

  • Do Rebel Race 2012 (maybe)

  • Run another 5K

  • Decorate Easter eggs

  • Do something for St. Patrick’s Day

  • Have a picnic

  • Go fishing again

  • Go hiking

  • Go camping
That’s all I have so far but will hopefully be adding to it soon!

1. I’m cooking for Jason tomorrow to celebrate our 18 months last week—any suggestions?
2. Do you have plans for this upcoming spring/summer? I’d love to hear them!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Touched by You

So, I promise I will get a post up by the end of today. It's been so busy at work and Jason and I hit up Dave & Busters last night when I got off work.


In the meantime, PLEASE check out my dad's music!! It's really awesome.

[CD cover image by Jerry Lee Kirk - jerrykirk.com; Touched by You (c) G.L.Robson 2011]

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lobster Screams

I can't believe February 28 is finally here! I can't believe that Jason and I have been together (officially) for 18 months already!

[Although if you ask me, we've been together unofficially for 4 years.]

Here we are, through the years:

This is us in 2007 when we were dating & he came to visit me at Clemson my Freshman year :)

This is also from 2007 :)

October 2010—Jason drove ALL the way from Texas to South Carolina to visit right after we “officially” started dating again :)

Christmas 2010—we went up to the mountains for a weekend with our Kaiah Bear :)

May 2011—I got us tickets to WMZQ Fest for his birthday/to celebrate graduation

Summer 2011—We took a trip downtown to see the monuments with the pups!

October 2011—On our way to SKYDIVING!

January 2012—We went to VEGAS! (This picture is at dinner at the Rainforest CafĂ©)

February 2012—Jason took me to a Georgetown basketball game

February 2012—Jason got us tickets to the Miranda Lambert, Jerrod Niemann, & Chris Young concert at First Mariner Arena in Baltimore

February 2012—I got Jason tickets to the Blake Shelton and Justin Moore concert at George Mason for Valentine’s Day

So, tonight I am cooking him dinner to celebrate & to save us some money so we don't have to go out to dinner. The key phrase from that sentence is "I am cooking". I rarely cook. At school, I think the most advanced dish I cooked was stirfry and that only happened once. I pretty much stuck to spaghetti.

I let it slip earlier today that one of the dishes contained lobster and I would have to buy a live lobster because of the way it has to be cooked. He then asked me if I was sure I would be able to cook a lobster because, "you know they scream, right?". I told him they definitely did not scream but he was insistant. I mean, if they scream all I need to do is to put on my Mandrake earmuffs, right? [If you don't know what a Mandrake is, you need to go read HP. Right now.]

Anyways, Jason pretty much had me scared that lobsters scream when they get boiled.

"You think you're just going to boil a live animal and it's not going to make any noise?"

I even called my dad to make sure they, in fact, do not scream.

I'll get back to y'all tomorrow about how the dinner turns out! I'm really excited to cook it & I wish I could share the deets but I can't ruin the surprise!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Blake Shelton & Justin Moore!

The Blake Shelton & Justin Moore concert is tonight at The Patriot Center! I can't wait! Right now, I am burning all the songs I have by them in my iTunes to discs. I'm just waiting for Jason to get off of work before we can go.
Before Jason gets off work, I have to go let Coco outside. She's Jason's parents' little Silky terrier, and she has been at home alone almost all day. So, I have to go rescue her before we can go to the concert.
My workout for today was to take the dogs for a run. Candie really didn't want to do it, but we ended up going 2 miles. I'm proud of her for sticking with it! She was definitely tired after.

Best Friends Forever :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Candie Bear & TGIF

Thank goodness it's FRIDAY! I got up at 4:35, put on clothes for the gym, and packed my work clothes. When I was finished, it wasn't 5:00 yet so I decided to take a nap... Bad idea. I ended up not going to the gym before work but that's ok. I ended up going after work for 2 hours & now I feel great.

Compared to yesterday, work ended up being pretty boring today. We have a "pod" structure at work where we're assigned to teams or "pods". Yesterday I found out that another team member and I would have to leave my pod and move to another pod. It really stinks and a lot of people are less than pleased. Oh, did I mention we heard about it yesterday and it happened today? Yeah.

After work I headed to the gym to work out. For half of the time I was on the elliptical I read over GRE vocabulary on my phone but then I decided to focus on working out. Today I decided to do one of the Nike Training workouts on the iPhone app. I just used this as a part of my workout instead of as a whole workout by itself. It was a lot of fun and I will definitely do that more often. It's a really great iPhone app if you've never tried it.

When I finally got home I was, as usual, immediately greeted by my Candie Bear. She is such a sweetie pie. She is a golden retriever and we adopted her from the animal shelter almost 8 years ago. She's currently passed out on her bed, right next to mine. :-)

And I can't forget to mention that since Kaiah Bear's introduction into her life, they have been the best friends. They play together, eat together, go on walks and runs together, and sleep together. They are pretty much inseparable.

Kaiah usually comes over on weekends when Jason has to work and she hangs out with Candie & me. And she is going to be coming over tomorrow morning! I can't wait! I am definitely planning on taking her on a very long run tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, I got tickets for Jason and me for the Blake Shelton concert! I'm really excited!!

Gotta get back to studying... 'night y'all.

1. Have you ever tried the Nike Training Club app? What's your favorite workout?
2. Do you have any studying or preparation tips for taking the GRE?

Candie is my co-pilot

The easiest way to handle the two of them together on walks is to tie their leashes together! Or let Candie go without a leash but someone in our neighborhood got REALLY angry about that last week.

This is Kaiah's favorite chair in our house. She just likes to curl up in it and fall asleep when she's not playing with Candie.

This is Candie on Christmas Morning. She's cuddling with her new toy that my dad gave her :)

Here are the babies playing with eachother in my bed.

Jason & I borrowed the truck from the local hardware store (I used to work there & they are seriously like my second family) to haul some stuff to the dump. We let the dogs ride in the bed on our way back to the store to return it--they loved it! And yes, it is missing it's tailgate.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday is the new Monday

Ugh... woke up later than I wanted to today (5:45) and didn't get to the gym until around 6:45 :( but it doesn't even matter because I went to the gym and that's what counts. So I did my workout, left the gym by 8, and then headed to Maryland for work. And right when I got off of 495 at Old Georgetown Rd, I realized I forgot my work badge at home. I normally get to work by 8 at the latest and now it's 8:30, and I have to go all the way back to McLean, get my badge, and come all the way back. Because I have to have my badge to log into my computer at work.
Worst. Thursday. Ever.

But so far, it's been going good. I've been busy training staff members on some new tools we've rolled out last week and people seem to be very receptive. Except if someone tells me I should be a teacher again I might punch them. I have a bioengineering degree for a reason. I don't want to be a teacher.

Last week, at breakfast the morning after Valentine's Day, Jason and I overheard some people talking at the table next to us about a bioengineering company called Exmovere (latin for "emotion"). Of course, we immediately took out our iPhones and looked it up! It's located in Tysons!! Sweet!! So close. And the man sitting at the table making the pitch to the Koreans is the President and CEO! So we creepily hung around outside of the restraunt after we were done waiting for them to be finished. When they were, I went up to him and introduced myself and I think I made a really good impression! Somewhat stalkerish, maybe, but maybe that comes off as determined??? I hope so.

Last night after work, I went over to Jason's house and we took the Kaiah Bear for a walk/jog/run. My legs were starting to be sore from going to the gym 2 days in a row (I guess I'm not used to it yet) but I still felt really great about it! Thank goodness I am blessed with such an awesome boyfriend because he definitely pushes me to do the best I can and keep going even when I think I'm spent. Plus, he puts up with my non-stop whining. I LOVE HIM!

Anyways, gotta grab lunch (I'm thinking super healthy salad?) and prep for training round 2 this afternoon!